I just got back into town today after 3 1/2 days at a Beach house outside of Galveston. Oskar and Lucy were down there ahead of me so I packed up Sunday morning and drove the 4 1/2 hours down. Exercise wise it was kind of a lazy few days I am afraid. I got in a 4-5 mile trail run on Monday evening on a wet, muddy and marshy Galveston State Park trail. It was a nice and humid run that help me sweat out some of my vacation. Other than a little surfing which I guess I can put into the swim workout category there wasn't much else.
However, my little friend Oskar on the other hand had quite the time in the water. My dog surfs. Yes, he surfs. here are a couple of pictures to prove it.
I wasn't so sure that he'd go for it. I just took him and the board out and as soon as it got to deep he swam right for the surfboard. It took a little getting used to but basically I just turned around, pushed off and the we were going. So fun. Now back to work.
You boys are TOO CUTE!