I took it for a quick swim on Tuesday morning and other than having some zipper difficulties the suit is great. I shaved another 4 minutes off of my mile time just by putting it on. This stuff is fun.
Wednesday morning was an early 4 mile run with my friends Tony and Mandy. It got very muggy by the end of the run. Humidity came back. Yuck. I invited them to come watch my next race on Monday. I just realized it is the perfect race for my friends to come watch. It is in downtown Austin, so it's closer than the other races. It is on Labor Day so everybody is off work. It is early enough in the morning so you can still BBQ it up after it's over. My wave starts between 7:15 and 7:20 am. So come on downtown on Monday morning and hoot and holler!
Today I got up and jumped on my bike for a quick 20 miler. Nothing too crazy to tire me out or anything. I just needed a ride to get the blood pumping through the muscles for an hour or so. I finished with enough time to get Oskar to Barking Springs for a bit. He did his rock diving trick much to the amazement of some swimmers who were walking by. One guy asked, "Dude, do you make your dog fetch rocks?" I answered, "I just throw them and he goes goes after them." It was my Zen moment. Oskar prefers the rocks to tennis balls for some reason. Not like that other crazy dog, Lucy. She is very ball fixated and will let you know when she starts to get impatient if you haven't thrown it fast enough for her. Oh that Lucy.
A couple of more nice and easy workouts and then I am racing on Monday. Remember, the race is this Monday on September 6th in downtown Austin at Auditorium Shores if you want to come.
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