A 6 a.m. wake up time was pushed back to 7 then 7:15. Got up and drank some coffee, ate my granola, packed the bike and gear and headed towards down to the Veloway for some cycling. I got down there about 10ish and did a couple of loops around the Veloway. I finally saw the fabled bunnies of the Veloway. Well, I saw one hop hop hopping along the grass beside be. So Glenda if you are reading this you are right about the bunnies.
After the 2 warm up loops I did 2 loops down on South Mopac followed by one more Veloway loop for a total of 26 miles. The south bound loop felt uphill and definitely a headwind but Northbound was great. I was flying and feeling really good. The kind of good you just want to holler and so I did. Nobody around to hear the weird guy hoot 'n hollering in his Lonestar Beer cycling jersey. At the end of the ride I tossed the bike into the back of the blazer, ever so gently, slipped on the running shoes and did a 1 mile run to get used to the run after bike feeling. Man that is such a strange feeling.
Loaded up and headed to Barton Springs for a 1/2 mile swim in some frigid water. I am still getting used to the "openness" of open water swimming. It wasn't too crowded so luckily my half-assed sighting tecnique kep me from at least running into the wall. I will admit I did get a little freaked out when skimming over all those under water plants but I was able to calm myself down and finish. I got home and forced myself to do a 30 minute core routine. It was like the cliff note version of the one from Jack and Adams.
I rushed down to the Dog park so Oskar could get some play time in and boy he sure needed it. A quick nap and now off to work. Tomorrow is an easy 4 miler on the trail with Tony, Oskar and hopefully Mark and Amy as well. I can only imagine that I will probably sneak a quick swim or better yet some technique training on the bicycle trainer followed by some barking springs with Oskar.
You are a maniac! Keep up the hard work. It will pay off at CapTex. : )