Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Core and no more Mr nice guy

    No run on Monday because of the foot injuries so I went to Josh's core class at Rogue. His core class is just hard enough for me to get a good workout but it doesn't completely wipe me out like doing the core class at Jack and Adams outside on the hot asphalt.
  I left feeling pretty good so I went for a swim down to Big Stacy. I am afraid that I am retiring Big Stacy from the summer swim locations after today. Not a pleasant experience at the pool tonight. It went down like this:
I showed up after core class at about 7:15. Since it's officially summer now they only had two swim lanes open for lap swimming. The open swim area was really crowded. Lane 1 had two swimmers in it doing a series of drills qith kickboards. I was going to work on a new swim drill my friend Barton came up with that it involves some sprints so I opted to wait for a lane in which I could split it and not swim circles. Lane 2 had three women swimming already so I decided to wait. 30 minutes later two women got out of Lane 2 following a lengthy chit chat. After I stopped a guy trying ti cut in line I finally got in to swim. As I was getting in, the remaining woman was finishing her last lap, but a mother and daughter from the open water area decided to pop in and start doing some laps. Well they actually would swim a couple of strokes, stop, talk, swim a few more strokes stop, etc...Now we were back up to 3 people in the lane. I decided to just keep to my side and let them have the other. After only a couple of laps another guy jumps in about three feet from my outstretched arm to join the fun to make it four swimmers. Ugghh this was getting way too crowded. I swam down and on the way back some jackass decided to join our lane to make it a total of 5. The best part was instead of him waiting to let everyone know he was joining he just went ahead and started backstroking towards me going in the complete wrong direction. I didn't even expect him there in the first place and in the second place HE WAS DOING THE BACKSTROKE IN THE WRONG DIRECTION!!!! Yeah I was about 5 inches from cracking my skull against his. At that point I was done. Forget it. It wasn't worth it.
  I was a little more than frustrated with the situation so I just quickly grabbed my stuff and headed for the exit. As I turn to go I see an old guy sitting on a bench watching the swimmers. He couldn't have been younger than let us say 80. He was wearing a black t-shirt with white lettering that read F#*& OFF. His was not the censored version. I will remind you that the whole pool area was crowded with kids and here was somebody's grandfather wearing this stupid shirt. I was at my breaking point already from the smart guys in Lane 2 so I looked at ol' granpa and said this to him as sarcastically as I could muster in such a short notice, "Oh nice shirt, idiot." I think the cherry on top of this ice cream sundae of a story is the fact that I called him an idiot. I mean really? But as a good friend pointed out, anybody wearing a shirt like that is basically inviting confrontation. So I didn't feel too bad. Also the back of his shirt read, I HATE PEOPLE. So there's that.
  I think I will be staying away from Big Stacy till summer is over.

  On a happier note the dogs got to do some playing at auditorium shores. There was an irrigation leak in the middle of the park that created this huge mud pit. Some of the other pet owners were trying to keep their dogs out of the pit. As you can clearly see we went down a different path. Lucy and Oskar seemed to like chasing the ball into the mud, I enjoyed watching them get dirty, the other dogs at the park were frolicking in the mud when they followed Lucy and Oskar. The only group that wasn't very happy with the situation were the dog owners with clean cars. Luckily for me I have given up on ever having a clean car after finding Oskar.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my your Stacy experience is hilarious! Sorry.
    It is NEVER dull at that pool.
