Only 3 more days until race day. Only 3 more nights of sleep until I get to wake up and go race. I have talked to some people who love to train for triathlons for the fitness but they don't race them for whatever reasons. I can understand that, but personally I love race day. I am getting goose bumps just thinking about tying on the goggles and cap and lining up for the start. I can almost feel the wind sweeping across my face as I pass people on the bike and I am almost throwing up just thinking about the hill at Decker Lake that I got to run up before the finish line. My family will be there cheering me on so I am even more excited about this race. This is the Couples Tri and my teammate is my brother Michael. I think that makes this event even more fun and unique that I get to compete with my brother.
All week it has been easy runs, swims and bike rides. Nothing too hard but not too slow or short either. I think I have hit a good balance between recovering from the previous month of training and preparing for Sunday's race. I have had a couple of half mile swims, 2 four mile runs and a nice easy 20 mile ride on the trainer to keep the legs fresh. I am off work Friday and Saturday so I should get plenty of rest before the race.
So if anyone out there is free this Sunday morning for a couple of hours come on out to Decker lake and cheer us on. Just now so loud when I am in transitions since I will be trying to concentrate.
Good luck out there! See you Sunday.