Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ready To Race

  So the rain got to wreak it's havoc upon me one more time before it was finished. Wednesday morning looked like a good time to go for a bike ride. That is until the downpour began at around mile 4 of a 25 mile ride. Riding in the rain always reminds me of my bike messenger days back in NYC. I learned a ton about braking, turning and obstacles to avoid when the streets are wet. I had to. The ride went well but I was soaked and the bike was a mess when I finished. I used this as motivation to get my bike in the shop for a clean/tune up. I called Jack and Adams and they said I could bring it in right away. I loaded the bike in the Blazer and headed down to the store.
  The mechanic was a young guy who couldn't have even been old enough to drive. He helped me pick out a water bottle and a bracket that mounts in between the aero bars. I also grabbed some handle bar wraps that really stand out. They are the same wraps that are on my messenger bike and I love them. After an hour it was all done. He didn't charge me the full tune up price and he even fixed my bent rear derailer that I didn't know needed fixing. It was quite an awesome experience. If you have any bicycle maintenance needs GO TO JACK AND ADAMS!!! They rock.

  I got up early the next day for my 4 mile run with Oskar, Tony and Mandy. Tony is training for NYC marathon with Rogue and we were discussing the ridiculously hilly route that Rogue is running this weekend. The run is called "The Run From Hell," if that gives you any indication as to how hard it is. I believe the run includes part of Mesa and Ladera Norte. Luckily I have my race the next day so no "Run From Hell" for me.
  After the run I met Emily, Barton and Paula for a swim at a new location. Barton Springs is closed for cleaning on Thursdays and Deep Eddy is temporarily closed for unsafe water quality. The new pool is amazing. It is an Olympic distance pool that was virtually empty. Our group took up 2 of the 3 lanes and there was only one other lap swimmer the whole time. It is really easy for us to get there so until it closes at the end of the summer it will be the new lap pool. I hate to give it away but the name rhymes with Sabel Avis.
  Emily wanted to run after the swim and even though I had already ran my 4 miles that morning I figured I could use some more work. The second run of the day was a lot harder, hotter and humider (more humid).  It took about 2 miles in to get rid of my side stitch. But other than that it was fine.
  Friday was an off day for me so I took the dogs to Barking Springs. Oskar is now starting to dive his head completely underwater to pick up submerged stones. Lucy will get about half of her head in to pick up sticks. The dogs never cease to amaze me. On the way back to the car Oskar stepped in some gum right before jumping into the back of the Blazer. It freaked him out so he was jumping all over the back of the car leaving little hot bubble gum paw prints wherever he landed. Of course this got Lucy excited so she decided to roll around the back of the car literally following in the gummy paw steps of Oskar. The dogs never cease to amaze me.
  Saturday will be just a relaxing ride to Jack and Adams to pick up my race packet for Sundays race and then plenty of water and sleeping. Wish me luck!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Colin! Good luck tomorrow! Your mom said you once lived here in Monterrey. We have been on vacation in Pebble Beach this week and the weather has been super for running! Even with the hills, I feel like I could keep going forever. I might sign up for the White Rock half- I have some friends that are encouraging me. Hope it's not too terribly hot tomorrow :-)
