Thursday, October 7, 2010

Taper Time

  It is the home stretch and as far as motivation goes I am running on fumes. I still enjoy the workouts but getting past that initial reluctance to start is proving harder and harder. Luckily I am now in full taper mode and I am close to the end. My race is Sunday October 17th and I am past the hardest of my workouts. The hardest workout being my brick on Saturday with Tanner. We went out to the Longhorn bike course and rode the 56 mile route. It was supposed to be a nice and easy ride and it was, except for that is was more like a long ride at close to race pace, very close to race pace. We finished and immediately went for a 1 hour run. I wanted to call it quits at 30 minutes but Tanner and I both talked myself into going for the whole hour. I was glad I did that brick. It gave me a very healthy respect for my upcoming race. It is not going to be easy. I don't have a specific goal. My main goal is to finish strong and be happy with my effort level. Oh and to not walk the run course when my friends are watching. Those are my only goals.
  From here on out it is nice an easy swims, rides and runs until I cross that damn finish line. 

1 comment:

  1. You'll do great! Thanks for the brick. It will be much easier to keep on truckin' come race day.
