I scheduled myself for a bike test, core workout and a long swim. The sleet in Austin canceled my outdoor swim but I was able to do a bike test and a core workout.
The bike test was a way to find my lactate threshold. Lactate threshold is basically the maximum amount of effort you can sustain while your blood pumps the lactic acid buildup out of your muscles. Knowing this number is important to structure your workouts for intensity and duration for each of the three disciplines. In order to control variables such as wind speed, incline and road conditions, I did the test on my trainer indoors.
I started with a 10 minute warm up to get my heart rate up. After that I got up to 15 mph and timed myself at every half mile. At every interval I noted my heart rate, perceived exertion level, speed and time. Then I increased my speed by one mph for every half mile until I could not go any longer. I figured my LT for cycling to be about 162-165 beats per minute(bpm). I also noted the time it took for my heart rate to return to the starting rate of 105 bpm. It took 3 minutes. Knowing this info is a good starting point to modify my effort level in future workouts and have a baseline to measure myself in future fitness tests.
My friend, Mark Enstone, suggested to go for a quick run as soon as you get off the bike to get used to the feeling of "running off the bike." Since I was only running a mile I thought this was also a good opportunity to run with my dog, Oskar, a 6 month old australian cattle dog mix. He did pretty good for his first run but he needs a ton of work.
As soon as I got back I went ahead and did my core work out that I found on Runners World website here: http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-238-263--13030-2-1X2X3X4-5,00.html while adding a few push ups and seated rows with an exercise resistance band.
After eating I was dressed to go swimming when I opened my door to see it sleeting. For now no swimming for me in the near freezing conditions.
After eating I was dressed to go swimming when I opened my door to see it sleeting. For now no swimming for me in the near freezing conditions.
I like the Bobke (Bob Roll) philosophy - "Go as hard as you can until you blow up"