Friday, May 7, 2010

Packet pick up

I got my race packet from Jack and Adams today and I must admit that I am a little confused by all the numbers they gave me. I wear one, another goes on the bike but that leaves like another one. Maybe that goes on the bike rack.  I'm sure somebody out there knows this stuff better than me right?
 It was a nice funday at the dog park and a quick 40 minute ride on the trainer. All systems are a go for Sunday's race. I appreciate all the words of encourgement I have received from friends and family. That stuff really helps. A short run and a dip in Deep Eddy tomorrow and I will be ready to go.

Woo Hoo!!


  1. You should have a little sticker for your helmet.

  2. yippeee! I am sure you are going to do great! Look forward to reading about your success.
    Good luck
